Real Estate4 Nov 2024HOW TO BUY REAL ESTATE AT BELOW MARKET PRICES“Seek and ye shall find,” There is no guarantee, but this adage has stood the test of time. To buyers in the greater Boston…
Real Estate4 Nov 2024A NEW WAY FOR CLOSINGSBefore Covid, most closings were conducted in the same manner as far back as when I began practicing 27 years ago. Namely, on the…
Real Estate4 Nov 2024NINE THINGS ALL BUYERS SHOULD CONSIDERBuying a home is a big decision! Here are 9 key considerations to keep in mind: Budget: Determine your budget, including down payment, mortgage…
Estate Planning, Probate, Real Estate29 Apr 2021ELIMINATING THE “STEPPED-UP BASIS” WILL HURT MIDDLE-INCOME EARNERS TOOTo help fund $1.5 trillion dollars in new spending, President Biden wants to eliminate the “stepped-up basis” applied to inherited assets. The President is…
Real Estate23 Aug 2019Petition to PartitionWhat if one co-owner of real estate wants to sell, and the other co-owner does not? When Real Estate Owners Cannot Agree Short answer:…